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Finance Department

Mission Statement

The mission of the Finance Department is to account for all financial transactions of the Village using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to maintain fiscal responsibility, and to provide quality information in a timely manner, while maintaining the highest level of ethical professional standards.

Duties & Responsibilities

The Finance Department provides overall financial and support services to the Village and its departments following procedures established by the Village Manager.

The department is responsible for all business related activities including:

  • Providing departments and the public with timely financial information to assure accuracy, accountability, and transparency. The Finance Department ensures that financial transactions are properly recorded in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).
  • The preparation of the Annual Comprehensive Budget and the Annual Comprehensive Financial Reports (ACFR).
  • Monitoring department budgets and preparing budget amendments for the Village Manager and Village Commission as needed.
  • Monitoring capital project expenditures.
  • Maintaining fixed assets records.
  • Administering and monitoring performance of Village investments.
  • Reconciling bank and investment accounts.
  • Processing weekly vendor payments 
  • Processing payroll in-house bi-weekly for employees 
  • Reconciling daily cash receipts.
  • Preparing the Annual Budget and Processing monthly Reimbursement for the Children’s Trust After School & Summer Program Grant.
  • Procuring necessary goods and services for Village departments.
  • Preparing Monthly Utility Bills. -see Utility Billing Rates

Financial Transparency Portal

Accounts Payable

The Accounts Payable staff within the Finance Department provide the best service possible by ensuring that all invoices and reimbursement requests are processed in a timely and efficient manner. To ensure payments are processed for the weekly check run, departments must have approved check request for payments, and/or vendor invoices to Accounts Payable by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday. The Accounts Payable personnel processes checks once a week on Friday. If checks must be printed outside the normal processing schedule, the department requiring the additional check must have approval from the Chief Financial Officer or designee.


The Finance Department prepares and processes the bi-weekly payroll for all employees. Payroll staff performs the following functions:

  • Processes and transmits all direct deposits for employees.
  • Processes timely and accurate payments to all employees.
  • Withholds and submits health insurance, other voluntary premiums and dues.
  • Prepares and submits monthly reports to the State of Florida Retirement System and ICMA.
  • State quarterly reports are prepared and submitted by ADP.

Employees may use the ADP app or view and print their electronic pay stub by logging into ADP payroll portal.

Purchasing / Procurement

Purchasing / Procurement

Our mission is to procure quality goods and services through innovative technological advancements, improved procedures and procurement best practices, achieved with professionalism, integrity, fairness and equality. Our performance objectives include, but are not limited to, maximizing customer satisfaction to our external and internal customers, fostering competitive and fair relationships among vendors to ensure savings, transparency and conformity to legal standards.

Code of Ordinances – Purchasing Policy

For all small purchases – less than $5,000 the Village requires no special requirements for any bids.

For purchases exceeding $5,000 but less than $15,000 the Village requires three written price quotes.

For purchases/services exceeding $15,000 – the Village requires a minimum of a RFP bid, piggy-back on another municipal contract, sole source, or an existing vendor who previously won a bid. View code of ordinances information on purchasing, (Chapter  36.25 of the Village Code).

Requests for Proposals / Bids

Our bids and proposals process is handled by DEMANDSTAR.

Vendors are invited to submit their bid responses via this site. If you would like to be notified on the Village’s bid postings and have access to download the solicitation and receive notifications, please register with DEMANDSTAR at the link provided below. Clicking the link will re-direct you to DEMANDSTAR’s site. We thank you for your interest in doing business with North Bay Village.

Register with DEMANDSTAR.

We welcome future business opportunities with those who are interested in becoming part of our growing competitive vendor / supplier community. To view current solicitations and past solicitation results please visit DEMANDSTAR NBV

Vendor Registration

If you are interested in doing business with North Bay Village, register your company with DEMANDSTAR. Please keep in mind, no commencement of work or no goods shall be delivered without a Purchase Order.

Vendor Requirements

If your business has been awarded a contract through a formal solicitation process or has been selected following the purchasing policy, there’s list of mandatory documents required for the VENDOR SET-UP CHECKLIST.

Click below for links to forms:

1. W-9 Form


3. E-Verify Affidavit Form

4. EFT/ACH Form


The Finance Department processes the  travel reimbursement forms for all eligible employees.

Please print and attach trips using the planner for reimbursement purposes.  North Bay Village is exempt from sales tax.  Please present the current sales tax certificate for all purchases/expenses.

Please click below for the form:

Travel Form 2024

The Transparency Portal is part of our commitment to improving transparency by providing a guided view through complex financial information. This site provides a transparent look at the types of revenue we collect and how we allocate those public funds.

The charts, graphs, and tables included are all highly interactive and we invite you to explore. The site is updated at the beginning of every week 


Contact Information

Mayte Gamiotea

Office Hours

Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm

Budget Amendments FY 2025

Budget Amendments FY 2024

Budget Amendments FY 2022

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