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September Commission Meeting: Special Presentations

Last evening, the North Bay Village Commission met for the Regular Village Commission Meeting. Several presentations were made including designating September as National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and the Village receiving the GFOA Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Award and the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. See below for more information.
1) The Village Commission designated September as National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month to honor those children whose lives have been lost and irrevocably impacted by this terrible illness and to raise awareness on the importance of increased research on childhood cancer. 
A donation was also made to the Mystic Force Foundation in the name of 7-year-old Super Jake Thomas, a childhood cancer survivor and NBV resident, who was present with his mom and dad — Sarah and Matthew Thomas.
Mystic Force Foundation’s mission is to raise awareness of Childhood Cancer, founded by Dr. Steven and Silvia Vanni in honor of their son, Salvatore. 100% of funds donated to the organization goes towards funding Cancer research at various institutions, including the University of Miami’s Neuroblastoma Research Lab.
2) North Bay Village received the GFOA Certificates of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting and the FY 2020-2021 GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation. 

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