NBV Code Enforcement: Building a Stronger North Bay Village Through Communication and Collaboration

The North Bay Village Code Enforcement Department is here to help! Code Enforcement Director, Orlando Rodriguez, will be attending regular meetings with the Homeowner Association (HOA) boards and building management teams across North Bay Village.
“The key to building a stronger, more vibrant Village is open communication and collaboration between residents and public servants,” says Rodriguez. “I look forward to meeting with HOA boards and providing updates on Village-wide code enforcement efforts, as well as listening to your specific questions and concerns.”
Key topics our NBV Code Enforcement plans to cover:
* Overall Code Regulations
* Vacation rental issues and regulations.
* Building maintenance requirements and the re-certification process.
* Village incentive programs and building permit discounts.
* How residents can access code enforcement resources and report issues.
By making regular visits to HOA/Board meetings, Rodriguez aims to put a face to the Code Enforcement Department and ensure residents know how to reach out with any questions or concerns.
“My door is always open,” says Rodriguez. “I encourage all North Bay Village residents and building managers to contact me directly at code@nbvillage.com or 305-389-7562 if you’d like me to attend your next HOA/Board meeting.”
The Code Enforcement Department is committed to working hand-in-hand with the North Bay Village community to improve quality of life and keep our neighborhoods safe and vibrant.

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