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Mayor Rachel Streitfeld, Esq. is a passionate advocate for the residents of North Bay Village.  Born and raised in South Florida, she grew up in a household where public service and civic engagement were strong themes...


Village Commission​

To serve our diverse residential and business community by preserving our natural resources, stimulating economic activity and enhancing the quality of life for present and future generations...

Village Manager​

The North Bay Village Commission has appointed Frank Rollason as the Village Manager. Rollason brings a wealth of experience to the role. He served as North Bay Village Manager from 2013-2018. Following...


Village Clerk

The Village Clerk serves as the Corporate Secretary to the Municipal Corporation, Secretary to the Village Commission, Records Custodian, and Supervisor of Elections for North Bay Village...


Agendas & Minutes

Meetings are arranged by date, with the most recent at the top of the list. Click Video to listen to the meeting and view agenda documents, or Agenda or Minutes...



North Bay Village Building and Zoning Department is responsible for ensuring that all work done in the Village meets the Village’s code as well as the Florida Building Code...


Advisory Boards

Advisory Boards are created by Village Ordinance and are designed to provide advice and recommendations to the Commission on diverse...


Finance Department

The Finance Department processes and records all fiscal activity of the Village, as well as, manages Village’s computer hardware and network system...


Human Resources

North Bay Village Human Resources Department provides several diversified services to employees and assistance to all departments...


Utilities & Services

Utility Drop Off box is located outside the main floor of the building located at 1666 Kennedy Causeway. Utility payments can be dropped off 24 hours a day...


Public Works

The mission of the Public Works Department is to provide quality, efficient services that meet and support the infrastructure demands...


Code Enforcement

The objectives of the North Bay Village Police Department Code Enforcement Unit are to protect the health, safety, and welfare of all property owners...



The North Bay Village Police Department offers crime prevention surveys and safety inspections of homes and businesses upon request...


Planning and Zoning

The Department is responsible for providing professional expertise and support to elected officials, appointed boards, Village management and the public in the areas of planning, zoning, and land use management.

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