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Final Utility Bill Advisory Rate Increase FY 2022

Dear North Bay Village Residents:

On September 13, 2021, at 5:01 p.m., and September 29, 2021, at 5:30 p.m. the Village Commission will hold public hearings to discuss increases to the water, sewer, sanitation , and stormwater rates, as described below. The meetings will be held in the Commission Chambers at Village Hall, 1666 Kennedy Causeway, Suite 101, North Bay Village, Florida. The meetings will also be streaming on Facebook Live, Local Channel 661, and Zoom. For more information about the meetings, please visit:

The following increases will be considered at the public hearings: A water rate increase of 3.88% which represents a pass-through increase to our customers as a result of Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department’s rate increase for water purchased by the utility.

A sewer rate increase of 5.37% which represents a pass-through increase to our customers as a result of the Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer Department’s rate increase for wastewater treated for the utility and a second increase in the sewer rate of
6.2% or $0.51 per 1,000 gallons of sewer usage, that will fund the new debt service for one State Revolving Loan WW130411.

A stormwater rate increase of 100% due to Stormwater Mitigation Projects. The stormwater rates haven’t been changed since 1996.

A sanitation rate increase of 5% which represents a pass-through increase to our customers as the result of Miami-Dade County Solid Waste Management’s increase in disposal costs.

If approved, these increases would appear on your October 2021 utility bill statement.

View the full letter.


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