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Treasure Island Blossoms with New Flora

When North Bay Village adopted the NBV100 Master Plan, the Village embarked on beautifying the Islands to make NBV more livable. By centering on people – residents, business owners and visitors – North Bay Village will become a more attractive place to work, live and do business.
Several beautification projects have already been completed in the Village – including the Kennedy Causeway medians, now complete with Royal Palms throughout. Dozens of new trees have been planted throughout Harbor Island and Treasure Island. And now, all Treasure Island bulbouts have been filled with Green Island Ficus, a native, hearty plant that grow well in our climate and soil conditions and require relatively little maintenance.
Our Village landscape architecture firm, Curtis + Rogers, recommended Dune Sunflowers, to the North Treasure Drive medians, planted by SFM Landscape Services. We’re proud to show off these new additions to the Village!

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