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Short-Term Vacation Rentals

Vacation Rental License Administration

The Village began vacation rental licensure enforcement July 1, 2016, with the purpose to promote public health, safety, welfare, and convenience through regulation and standards for short-term vacation rental properties.

STVR Fact Sheet

Any owner who operates a Vacation Rental in the Village.

A Vacation Rental is defined as any individually or collectively owned single-family house or dwelling unit that is rented more than three times a year for less than 30 days at a time, or which is advertised or held out to the public as a place regularly rented to guests and is located within any RS-1/RS-2, RM-40, RM-70 Zoned Areas located within the Corporate Limits of North Bay Village

Vacation Rental Licenses must be filed annually, prior to October 1st. Licenses expire September 30th of each year.

  • A completed vacation rental application
    • $800 new license administration  fee
    • $500 annual license renewal fee
      Renewals must be submitted 60 days prior to the expiration of the license. Fees are nonrefundable. 
  • Two forms of identification (First ID must be a valid Florida driver’s license; second ID can be one of the following: Social Security card, passport, military ID or other government-issued ID
  • Copy of Florida Department of Revenue Certificate of Registration
  • Copy of Active Miami-Dade County account for collecting and remitting Tourist, Convention Development Taxes, etc. to the County
  • Copy of State of Florida Transient Public Lodging Establishment License
  • Proof of ownership of property or copy of lease, which must show owner authorizes short-term vacation rental
    • Warranty deed or Property Appraiser printout
    • If owner is a corporation, a copy of Division of Corporation documents are required.
    • Proof applicant is an authorized agent of the corporation/owner
  • Interior building sketch by floor. A building sketch (may be hand drawn) by floor shall be provided showing a floor layout and demonstrating compliance with the standards and requirements set forth in this subchapter.  The sketch provided shall be drawn to scale and shall show and identify all bedrooms, other rooms, exits, hallways, stairways, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers and exit signage/lighting.
  • On-site parking spaces sketch depicting number of spaces and locations.
  • Acknowledgement that each guest room shall be equipped with an approved listed sign-station smoke detector meeting the minimum requirements of the National Fire Prevention Association.
  • Submit a copy of Blank Rental Agreement.
  • Post trash pickup schedule to include regulation for container, storage and collection.
  • Post name, address, and phone numbers of vacation rental representative, maximum rental occupancy, Village Noise Ordinance, hospital location, and local non-emergency number.
  • North Bay Village Local Business Tax Receipt (BTR)

Delinquent properties are first issued 10-day compliance warnings, allowing them to bring the properties into compliance in that period.  If they fail to do so, citations are immediately issued. These cases are prosecuted on a monthly basis during Special Magistrate hearings.

An offense will result in the following fines:

  • First Offense: $1,000 fine
  • Second Offense: $2,000 fine
  • Third Offense: $5,000 fine

North Bay Village Police Department and Code Enforcement work together to monitor legal and illegal STVRs in the community on a daily basis. Warnings and fines are issued to those properties in violation of Village policies and ordinances, including building maintenance and noise-related issues. Additionally, the Village uses software to assist in identifying properties operating without a license.

Incomplete applications will be returned with notification of any documents that are missing. False statements in an application shall be basis for the revocation of any license issued, pursuant to such application.

Please use the link below to upload any documentation required for this application.

STVR Update Form

STVR Complete Application

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