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Public Works Department

Mission Statement

The objective of the Public Works Department is to enhance the quality of life for our residents, businesses and visitors by way of management and maintenance of the Village’s physical environment and infrastructure in a safe, effective and aesthetically pleasing environment.

Core Quality-of-Life Enhancement Services:

Contact Information

Steven Buckland

Timothy Smtih

Office Hours

Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Duties & Responsibilities


The Public Works Department is responsible for all of the Village maintenance, construction, sanitation and engineering.  The Public Works Department ensures that North Bay Village infrastructure provides efficient, safe and environmentally conscious service to the residents and businesses of North Bay Village.

The Public Works Director is responsible for the all administrative activity for the Department such as personnel management, departmental records management, agenda preparation, research, customer service, and all related managerial responsibilities including Capital Improvement Plan Management.

Garbage/Trash/Recycling Collection

Garbage/Trash/Recycling Collection


  • Paper products:newspapers, magazines, catalogs, telephone books, printer paper, copier paper, mail and all other office paper without wax liners

  • Cardboard:packing boxes, cereal boxes, gift boxes and corrugated cardboard. Flatten boxes before placing in your cart

  • Cans:steel and aluminum food & beverage cans; Aluminum bottles are also accepted

  • Cartons:aseptic poly-coated drink boxes, juice cartons and milk cartons

  • Bottles: (plastic & glass) – plastic bottles* milk, water, detergent, soda and shampoo (flatten and replace cap); glass bottles

Items need to be clean and free of food and debris to be accepted. 

Garbage/Solid Waste  (Food Refuse)

    • Single Family Homes North Bay Island: Weekly on Monday and Thursday

    • Single Family Homes Treasure Island: Weekly on Tuesday and Friday

    • Multi-Family Buildings Treasure Island and Harbor Island: Weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

    • Commercial Establishments: Weekly on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

 Note: Some large condominium buildings and commercial establishments are picked up 5 to 6 days per week.  Check w/your bldg. manager.

 Bulk Trash (Leaves, grass, shrubbery trimmings, tree limbs)

    • Single Family Homes North Bay Island: Weekly on Tuesday

    • Single Family Homes Treasure Island: Weekly on Tuesday

    • Multi-Family Buildings Treasure Island and Harbor Island: Last Wednesday of the month

    • *Schedule in advance by emailing [email protected]*

Note: Per Village Code Chapter 94, all garden trash must be placed in a securely bound plastic bag or other containers not to exceed 30 gallons in size. Tree branches, palm fronds and shrubbery shall be cut to a maximum length of three feet and a maximum diameter of four inches. Branches and stumps greater than four inches in diameter shall be cut to a maximum of two feet in any direction. Residents may put out no more than one pile of brush material each collection date, with the pile not to exceed a maximum of 3’×4×5′ in length for a total of 2.2 cubic yards.

Brush in excess of 3’×4’×5′ must be called into Village Hall for the cost. The Customer shall make payment, in advance, for all brush pick-ups that are in excess of 3’×4’×5′. Brush material shall be placed in the front setback on the day of scheduled trash pick-up. Placing of brush material in the front setback more than 24 hours prior to scheduled pick up will be held in violation and fined.

Bulk trash/vegetation shall be placed on the swale for collection no earlier than (24) hours before collection day.

Landscape Trash and Debris
All private and commercial landscape service companies shall be responsible for removing all landscape trash and debris after service. Property owner and/or occupant shall be responsible for all trash and debris on the property.

NO Hardscape Materials
Rocks, sand, dirt, concrete, bricks and building materials shall not be placed in regular collection containers. The producers of such hardscape material will be required to individually contract with the contractor or hauler for disposal of such hardscape materials.

Properties in violation of the above will receive a courtesy warning for the first violation and are subject to a citation for second violation ($200.00). 

 Recycling (electronics, batteries, automotive products, household cleaning products, fertilizers, poisons, paints)

No lumber or construction material/debris from remodeling or new construction.

For more information on noncombustible items and where owner can take these items, visit: or call 311.

Refer to North Bay Village Code Chapter 94 for additional information.

Bulk Waste
Single Family Home Bulk Waste Pickup – Every Tuesday


  • Bulk trash must be placed outside for pickup between 4 pm Monday and 7 am Tuesday.
  • Bulk trash will be picked up by 6 pm Tuesday.
  • Bulk trash must be separated from regular trash.
  • Request a pickup by contacting [email protected] or 305.756.7171 ext. 55


  • NO CHARGE to pick up piles that are less than 5’X4’X3’ (L’ X W’ X H’ = 60 Cu.ft.).
  • NO CHARGE for up to three (3) pieces of furniture & white goods per year.
  • An additional charge of $25 per furniture or white good over 3 pieces.
  • $200/day fine plus removal fees* if bulk waste is left outdoors on nonscheduled days.
  • $40 for mattress pickup (must be scheduled by contacting [email protected] or 305.756.7171 ext. 55)

*Fees are doubled if bulk waste is removed by the Village after a warning has been given.
*Fees are tripled if bulk waste is removed by the Village after receiving a fine.

Commercial/ & Multi-Family Bulk Waste Pickup – Last Wednesday of the Month


  • Request for pickup must be made by the individual tenants/ owners or residents via email ONLY within in advance no later than the Friday before the monthly pickup by contacting [email protected]


  • $25 per bulk item, $40 per mattress, and $25 per standard trash pile not to exceed 5’x4’x3′ (60 Cu. Ft.) .
  • Bulk trash cannot be set out for pickup before 4 PM on Tuesday.
  • Bulk trash will be picked up by 6 pm Wednesday.

Accepted Items

  • Vegetation
  • White goods (large electrical goods used domestically such as refrigerators and washing machines)
  • Furniture
  • Mattresses* (MUST be scheduled for pickup and disposal at a cost of $40 per mattress)

Unaccepted Items

  • Construction debris
  • Electronic,
  • Hazardous Material (paint/oil/chemicals)


No lumber or construction material/debris from remodeling or new construction.

For more information on noncombustible items and where owner can take these items, visit: or call 311.

 Refer to North Bay Village Code Chapter 94 for additional information.

Water Restrictions

Miami-Dade County has precious water supply that must be protected and preserved. Water conservation is vital to the preservation of South Florida’s ecosystems. Water restrictions In Miami-Dade County, water restrictions<> are observed year-round. Residents can only water their lawns twice a week before 10 a.m. and after 4 p.m., 365 days a year. So, when *can* I water my lawn? You may water your lawn two days a week. The same rules apply to residences and businesses.
Household Chemicals and Electronics

Our #NBV Public Works team has made it more convenient than ever for residents to follow Miami-Dade County’s environmental safety guidelines.

Now, from Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM, you can dispose of household chemicals AND electronics by visiting our new hazardous waste containers located at 1841 Galleon Street by the East Gate.

✅Accepted Household Materials:
-All paints
-Pesticides, solvents, cleaners
-Pool chemicals

✅Electronic Items including:
-Computer monitors and televisions
-Personal computers, keyboards, hard drives, and printers
-VCR’s, audio and video equipment
-Communication equipment such as cellular telephones and hand-held radios
-Unbroken fluorescent light bulbs, including the older, long-tube fluorescents, modern compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), and other fluorescent types

Trees and Power Lines

There are three different ways to report tree conditions to FPL:

  1. via the FPL website: FPL/
  2. via phone:  FPL Customer Service Network @ 1-800-226-3545, or
  3. via the FPL App:  Power Related Concerns/ Tree trimming Investigation Request

* Send email to [email protected] with the ticket number.

Learn more: Trees and Power Lines

Report a Streetlight Problem

To report a streetlight that is out or not working correctly:

* Call Florida Power and Light directly at 800-4-OUTAGE 800-468-8243 and provide them with the address of the light pole.

* You can also report this problem directly through the FPL website:

* Send email to [email protected]> with the ticket number.

Stormwater Master Plan
Island Walk Design Criteria

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