Planning & Zoning Advisory Board

The purpose of the Planning and Zoning Board is to recommend to the Village Commission on all matters within the general purview of planning, zoning and development. The Board handles the creation of and the modification to Village ordinances that regulate development within our community. Planning & Zoning services are provided to North Bay Village by Calvin, Giordano & Associates.
General Requirements for Board Membership
- Members are appointed by the Village Commission for a two-year period, coinciding with the term of office of Village Commissioners.
- Members must be qualified electors as defined in the Village Charter.
- Members must be and shall remain Village residents during their respective terms of office. When a board seat becomes vacant, the successor is appointed by the Commission to fill the unexpired term.
- The Village Commission can remove any member from the Planning and Zoning Board by a majority vote.
- Ryan Shaw / Chair
- Jorge Gonzalez / Vice Chair
- MaximoTurbides / Alternate
- Joelyn Losada
- Paul Murphy
- Sherry Abramson
- Mayor Rachel Streitfeld
- Village Manager Frank Rollason
- Village Clerk Alba Chang
- Village Planner Silvia Vargas
- Second Tuesday of every month at 6 p.m.
- Village Hall 1666 Kennedy Causeway
Duties & Responsibilities:
The Planning & Zoning Board is charged with considering, acting upon, and recommending to the Village Commission vis-a-vis all petitions for amendments, changes, or supplements to the Zoning Code. This includes:
- Variances or special exceptions
- Amendments
- Changes in district boundaries of the Zoning District Map
- Petitions appealing an administrative decision
The Board is also responsible for assessing and making recommendations to the Village Commission on all matters of comprehensive planning and zoning. Therefore, at maximum intervals of five years, it is obliged to perform periodic revisions and improvements of:

- The Zoning Code
- The Comprehensive Master Plan
- The Zoning District Map