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Planning & Zoning


Duties & Responsibilities

The North Bay Village Planning & Zoning Department handles the creation of and the modification to Village ordinances that regulate development within our community. The Department is responsible for providing professional expertise and support to elected officials, appointed boards, Village management and the public in the areas of planning, zoning, and land use management. As such, the Department is oversees and responds to inquiries pertaining to the Village’s land use and zoning provisions, including but not limited to the Comprehensive Plan and Unified Land Development Code amendments, zoning and site plan approval information, variance requests, etc.

Calvin, Giordano & Associates provides Planning & Zoning services to North Bay Village.



Unified Land Development Code (ULDC)

NOTE: While we try to keep the online version of the ULDC up to date, the version on Municode may not always immediately reflect the latest amendments adopted by North Bay Village. New ordinances may be posted as Supplements, searchable by year. If you have any questions about the status of a Code amendment, please contact the Village Planner.

Chapter 15, Form-Based Code

Regulating Plan for T6 Transect Zone  

NOTE: The official Form-Based Districts Regulating Plan (a.k.a., Regulating Plan) is maintained in the Office of the Village Clerk. Refer to Section 15.1 for General Provisions. The Form-Based Districts and Transect Zones indicated on the Regulating Plan supersede zoning districts and overlay districts on the North Bay Village Zoning Map

Seawall Standards

Resilience and Sustainability Standards

North Bay Island (RS-1) Zoning and Supplemental Regulations

Flood Insurance Rate Map Printable Links

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