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New Residents

Welcome to North Bay Village!

Below, please find a list of common resources for new residents.

Welcome to NBV Booklet

All Resident Issues (General Questions, Safety Hazards, etc.)
[email protected]
(305) 756-7171

Crime, Safety Concerns, and to Report Nuisance STVRs: NBV Police
9-1-1 (Emergency)
(305)758-2626 (Non-Emergency)

Biscayne Bay Environmental Complaints/Report a Fish Kill
[email protected]

Environmental Complaints
(305) 372-6955
[email protected]

Abandoned or Derelict Vessel
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)

Bridge Issues
[email protected]
(305) 796-0784

North Bay Village Police
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-Emergency (Dispatch): (305)758-2626

Village Building Department

Miami-Dade Fire Department

Traffic Information

211 Miami (Confidential Community helpline)

Miami-Dade County
(305)375-5553 or 311

State of Florida

Governor Ron DeSantis
The Capitol
400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
(850) 717-9337

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio
7400 SW 87th Avenue
Suite 270
Miami, FL 33173
(305) 596-4224

U.S. Senator Rick Scott
901 Ponce de Leon Boulevard
Suite 505
Miami, FL 33134
(786) 501-7141

Congresswoman Frederica Wilson
Miami Gardens Office
18425 NW 2nd Avenue
Suite 355
Miami Gardens, FL 33169
(305) 690-5905

County Commissioner Micky Steinberg
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street
Suite 220
Miami, FL 33128
(305) 375-5128
[email protected]

State Senator Shevrin Jones
606 Northwest 183rd Street
Miami Gardens, FL 33169
(305) 493-6002

State Representative Fabian Basabe
1666 79th Street Causeway
Suite 300
North Bay Village, FL 33141-4189
(305) 993-1905

North Bay Village Elected Officials
The North Bay Village Mayor and Commission are committed to serving our diverse residential and business community.

Learn more about each Officials

Mayor Rachel Streitfeld
[email protected]

Vie Mayor Goran Cuk
[email protected]

Commissioner Dr. Richard Chervony
[email protected]

Commissioner Andy Rotondaro
[email protected]

Commissioner Doris Acosta
[email protected]




Activate your account. Contact Village Hall to activate your utility account by calling (305) 756-7171 or emailing [email protected]

Never pay a late fee on your utility bill again! Have the balance owed automatically deducted from your checking or savings account on the 25th day of each month. To apply for automatic utility payments, go here.

Florida Power & Light (FP&L) Apply for service by calling 305.442.8770/(TTY 800.432.6554)

To report a hazardous condition call 800.4OUTAGE (468-8243)

Teco Peoples Gas
Telephone: 305.940.0139 or 1-877 TECO PGS (1-877.832.6747)

Garbage/Solid Waste

  • Single Family Homes North Bay Island: Weekly on Monday and Thursday
  • Single Family Homes Treasure Island: Weekly on Tuesday and Friday
  • Multi-Family Buildings and Commercial Establishments: Weekly on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
    • Note: Some large condominium buildings and commercial establishments are picked up 5 to 6 days per week.  Check with your building manager.


Resident questions about recycling / missed recycling services should reach out to Miami Dade County.

  • Residents can call 311 before 5 pm on the day of missed pick-up and report, or visit this link and fill in the request for missed service.
  • Single Family Homes North Bay Island and Treasure Island: Bi-weekly on Wednesday, serviced by Miami-Dade County; Call 311 or visit for additional information.
  • Multi-Family Buildings and Commercial Establishments: Weekly on Thursday and Friday, serviced by Waste Connections of Florida, Miami Hauling; Call 888-333-0515 or visit for additional information.

Household Chemicals and Electronics

Our #NBV Public Works team has made it more convenient than ever for residents to follow Miami-Dade County’s environmental safety guidelines.

From Monday-Friday from 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM, you can dispose of household chemicals AND electronics by visiting our hazardous waste containers located at 1841 Galleon Street by the East Gate.

Accepted Household Materials:

  • All paints
  • Pesticides, solvents, cleaners
  • Pool chemicals

Electronic Items including:

  • Computer monitors and televisions
  • Personal computers, keyboards, hard drives, and printers
  • VCR’s, audio and video equipment
  • Communication equipment such as cellular telephones and hand-held radios
  • Unbroken fluorescent light bulbs, including the older, long-tube fluorescents, modern compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs), and other fluorescent types

Bulk Waste

  • Single Family Home Bulk Waste Pickup – Every Tuesday – Learn More
  • Commercial/ & Multi-Family Bulk Waste Pickup – Last Wednesday of the Month – Learn More

The North Bay Village operates a contract post office station inside the Village Hall office at 1666 Kennedy Causeway, Suite 101, North Bay Village, Florida 33141. The station offers nearly all services provided by a U.S. Post Office including postage, money orders, the mailing of letters, and parcels up to 20 lbs.

The station accepts cash, personal checks, and credit cards (with proper identification).

Hours of operation:
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

For other postal information and tracking mail, visit the following link  OR call (800) ASK-USPS / (800) 275-8777.

DMV provides FLOW services once per month, by appointment only.

Please call Village Hall at 305-756-7171 to schedule an appointment.


Residents can apply for passports and/or passport cards at the Village Hall. By Appointment Only

Please note photographic services are not provided.  

Visit for applications and passport information or call (305) 756-7171 to speak to the North Bay Village Passport Acceptance Agent.

Services provided:

  • Adult:

    • Routine Service (Allow 10-13 weeks):  $130

    • Routine Execution Fee: $35

    • Expedited Service (Allow 7-9 weeks): $209.53 ($130+$60+$19.53)

    • Execution Fee & Express Mail: $63.75 ($35 +28.75)

  • Child

    • Routine Service (Allow 10-13 weeks): $100

    • Routine Execution Fee: $35

    • Expedited Service (Allow 7-9 weeks): $179.53 ($100+$60+$19.53)

    • Execution Fee & Express Mail: $63.75 ($35 + $28.75)

For more information about Miami-Dade County Public Schools, visit

Day Care Center
KLA School of North Bay Village
7800 Hispanola Ave
North Bay Village, FL 33141

Elementary School
Treasure Island Elementary
7540 E Treasure Dr
North Bay Village, FL 33141

Middle School
Miami Beach Nautilus Middle School
4301 North Michigan Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33140

High School
Miami Beach Senior High
2231 Prairie Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139

For pavilion rentals, contact (305)756-7171. 

Dr. Paul Vogel Community Park

  • 7920 West Dr, North Bay Village, FL 33141
  • Hours of operation: Sunrise to Sunset

Philip Schonberger Memorial  Playground

  • 1841 Galleon Street, North Bay Village, FL 33141
  • Hours of operation: Sunrise to Sunset

North Bay Village Dog Park

  • 7903 East Dr, North Bay Village, FL 33141
  • Hours of operation: Sunrise to Sunset

North Bay Village Community Park at TIES

  • 7540 E Treasure Dr, North Bay Village, FL 33141
  • TIES Community Park Field Entrance: Jewel Ave
  • Hours of operation: Weekdays 6 pm – Sunset; Weekends 8 am – Sunset

Basketball Court at TIES

  • 7540 E Treasure Dr, North Bay Village, FL 33141
  • Hours of operation: Weekdays 6 pm – 9 pm; Weekends 8 am – 9 pm

Mobile Library
The Miami-Dade County Mobile Library visits North Bay Village every week! With a library card, you can borrow books, music, audiobooks, movies, and more!

Mobile Library, Fridays, 3-4 pm
7903 East Dr, North Bay Village, FL 33141
(In front of the dog park)

Stops are subject to change. Please call (305)480-1729 to verify prior to your visit.
For more information about the mobile library, please visit

The closest library locations to North Bay Village are listed below. For more information about Miami-Dade County libraries, please visit

160 NE 79 ST.
MIAMI. FL 33138


531 NW 62 ST.
MIAMI. FL 33150

For any and all questions regarding possible code violations, please contact our Code Enforcement Unit.

Abandoned Vehicles

Motor vehicles may not be abandoned, junked, or discarded on public or private property within the Village unless completely enclosed in a building or part of a properly licensed business operation. All vehicles parked or stored on public or private property (except a licensed dealer) must have a current license plate, be properly registered, operational, roadworthy, and parked on approved surfaces.

Dirty Stagnant Water

Dirty stagnant water is not allowed in swimming pools, hot tubs, or containers of any kind where it may attract mosquitoes or be a potential hazard to public health or safety.

Failure to Maintain Structures

Property owners are individually responsible for property maintenance pursuant to the Village Code of Ordinances, ensuring health, safety, property values, and the good working condition of all structures. This includes, but is not limited to, common elements such as: Peeling or faded paint, Rottingwood, Leaking roofs, Potholes, Sheds, Stairs, Broken or missing windows and doors, Docks, Decks, Seawalls, Water, Sewer, and Utilities.


Writing, painting, or drawing any inscription, figure, or mark of any type on any building or other real or personal property without the express permission of the owner or operator of the property is forbidden.

Property owners are responsible for removing Graffiti in a timely manner. Properties that are not in compliance will be fined, and scheduled for Special Magistrate.

Illegal Signs

Signs that could interfere with vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or cause visual obstruction for vehicles, are considered ILLEGAL and MAY NOT be placed in any right-of-way.

Signs should never be attached to sign posts, utility poles, traffic control devices, or trees. Many signs are prohibited for commercial properties such as pole signs, snipe/sandwich signs, roof signs, banners, flashing, activated, animated signs, pennants, streamers, spinners, advertising balloons and all other fluttering, spinning, or similar type signs and advertising devices.

The Village is entitled to take down from public property any sign deemed unlawful. Lawful signs require a permit. Permit applications should be addressed to the Building Department for approval.

Keeping Trash, Rubbish & Debris on your property

Trash, rubbish, debris, junk, or any other material that could be considered a nuisance or threat to public health and safety may not be left to accumulate on properties in North Bay Village. Examples of this include, but are not limited to: discarded furniture, appliances, paper, plastics, litter, glass, cans, cardboard, and building materials.

No Address Numbers

The Village promotesa prompt emergency response. To this end, correct address identification numbers must be posted on all buildings. Numbers should have contrasting colors and their size should be at least three (3) inches tall for single family homes and six (6) inches tall for commercial and multi-family structures.

Operating a Business without a current
Business Tax Receipt

A Business Tax Receipt —formerly, an Occupational License—is required prior to opening to operate any type of business within Village limits.

Landscape Maintenance

Lawns, grass, weeds, and underbrush must be kept cut no taller than eight (8) inches in height on all properties within the Village.

Property owners are also responsible for maintaining the same standard in their portions of the Village Right-of-Way.

Parking in Residential Areas

It is unlawful to park any commercial vehicle in a residential area for over two (2) hours between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., unless providing a service to the adjacent property, or at any time between 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

The term “commercial vehicle” is defined as a motor vehicle of one-ton capacity or more or a motor vehicle or trailer of any size or capacity which is used in commerce.

Public Sidewalk Obstruction

It is unlawful to obstruct sidewalks designated for use by the general public with such items as overgrown hedges, bushes, trees, or other physical objects.

Unlicensed Vacation Rentals

An active vacation rental license shall be required to operate a vacation rental within the Village. The advertising or advertisement for the rental of an unlicensed single-family or multi-family house or dwelling unit, is direct evidence of offering a property for rent as a vacation rental.

Work Without Permits

Almost all construction work and site improvement require some kind of permit. If you have any questions regarding the need for a permit in a project you have planned, please contact the Building Department at(305) 756-7171 ext. 50 and speak with the staff before starting. It can be extremely expensive to correct work already completed without a permit or work done illegally by someone who is not a licensed contractor. Obtaining a permit can be a lengthy process, but it is a legal requirement. 

Beginning February 1, 2022, North Bay Village will be implementing a new parking system for Harbor Island residents named the Harbor Island Parking Program (HIPP).

North Bay Village residents have long experienced issues with street parking in Harbor Island (HI), and the Village has worked to address these challenges by implementing solutions that work for as many Harbor Island residents and visitors as possible.

The HIPP brings new changes which consist of the following:

  1.  For Residents: Harbor Island Parking Permit Program. If you are a resident of one of the legacy buildings below (see legacy building list), you may be eligible for a parking permit. Permits will be available for purchase by the building owner or property manager only. Please reach out to your condominium association or property manager to learn more. Permits will not be sold directly to residents by the Village.
  2. For Visitors: New Pay by Phone (PBP) System. On-street parking for Harbor Island will be converted to metered parking. Visitors and non-permit holders will be required to pay metered parking via the Pay by Phone app at a rate of $1.25/hr plus a $0.27 transaction fee.

For more information:

  • If you are a building owner, condominium association, or property manager, contact Parking Administrator Denese Fecht at 305-756-7171 or [email protected].
  • If you are a resident looking to buy a parking permit, please contact your condo association or property manager for more information. For all other questions related to the village or the program in general, please email [email protected].

Before the Storm

  • Check your insurance coverage on storms, flooding, and wind damage. Inventory your property and take photos of storm preps.
  • Know your evacuation plan. Consider things like sheltering on a lower level, if in a high-rise, and safe places to park your vehicle.
  • Prepare your emergency kit. You should have things like water, medicine, cash, and other items to last for each person and pet in your group for 3 to 7 days.
  • Make sure your yard, trees, and shrubs are well maintained and pruned before hurricane season. Bring any potted plants or outdoor furniture inside.
  • Register for the NBV Emergency Alert System:
  • Download our Hurricane Fact Sheet
  • View the Miami-Dade County Hurricane Readiness Guide

During the Storm

  • Follow all warnings and directions from first responders.
  • If sheltering in place, go to an interior room away from windows.

After the Storm

  • Avoid downed power lines and standing water.
  • Take photos and videos of any storm damage.

Throughout the year, the Village hosts and organizes various activities and events for individuals of all ages.

Notable Village events/activities:

  • Spring Egg Hunt
  • Earth Day Cleanup
  • Yoga at the Park
  • Movie Night at the Park
  • Hurricane Awareness Event
  • Pride Concert
  • 4th of July Celebration
  • Bike Rodeo
  • Back to School Backpack Giveaway
  • National Night Out
  • Halloween
  • Veteran’s Day Lunch
  • Menorah Lighting
  • Christmas Tree Lighting
  • Winter Wonderland

View our events calendar:

RSVP to our upcoming events:

For sponsorship opportunities, please visit

North Bay Village organizes and hosts various activities and events for children across North Bay Village and their families.

These programs, many of them at no cost, are held throughout the year, including sports outings, athletic skills camps, art programs, summer camp, and more to provide a safe haven for kids to enjoy the outside, make new friendships, learn new things and grow as the youngest residents of North Bay Village. 

Soccer Programs

The Village currently offers two soccer programs for kids ages 5-12. Read more below.

After School Soccer
Tues. & Thurs.
3:30 – 5:00 pm
Vogel Park
7920 West Drive
North Bay Village, FL 33141

Soccer Saturday
8:30 – 9:30 am
Community Park at TIES
7540 E Treasure Dr (Entrance on Jewel Avenue)
North Bay Village, FL 33141
NBV Residents: $10/week, no registration fee
Non Residents: $10/week + $100 registration fee. Registration for non-residents:

Children’s Trust After School Program and Summer Camp

North Bay Village operates a year-round program that includes an after-school program and summer camp. The program is offered to children living in North Bay Village, children who attend Treasure Island Elementary School, and to students with special needs. The program’s motto is “Our Children Are Our Treasure.” The program offers activities that include literacy, physical fitness, social-emotional learning, homework assistance, and nutritious meals. The Village enhances the program by providing children with enrichment activities in Arts and Crafts, Soccer classes (during the summer), Field trips, STEM activities, and supervised free choice. The program is currently serving forty students in grades Kindergarten through fifth grade.  For further information contact Inga Forbes (Program Director) at 786.999.3245 or at [email protected].

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