NBVPD Tapped To Assist Law Enforcement at Republication National Convention

The North Bay Village Police Department has received federal authorization to send a delegation to assist with security at the Republication National Convention in Milwaukee. Four of the Village’s finest officers will join forces with the Miami Police Department and Miami-Dade Police Department as part of a tri-agency team from our County. Lt. Pete Guevara, Cpl. David Floyd, Detective Abel Brind and Officer Livan Palacio have been selected to make the trip.
“I’m extremely proud to have our Agency respond to the Milwaukee Police Department’s request for assistance and participate as part of their security detail for 2024 Republican National Convention. This request was made to the Miami Dade County Association of Chiefs of Police (MDCACP), and we will be joining the Miami Police Department and the Miami Dade Police Department as one of three area Agencies for this deployment.” said Chief Carlos Noriega.
“The North Bay Village Police Department has now had a significant impact at a local level with the MDCACP, at a state level by achieving accreditation through CFA (Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation), and will now do so on a national level with the RNC in Milwaukee. We are a small Police Department with a large and impactful footprint, which maintains an unwavering commitment to law enforcement excellence.
” This high-profile event offers our officers invaluable experience in crowd control, dignitary protection, and strategic planning. It also provides an excellent opportunity for networking and showcasing the department on a national stage. The 4-day convention runs from July 15-18. Wishing our police officers safety and success.

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