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NBV Important Notice: Police Training Exercise at TIES – Chief’s Statement and Apology

Dear NBV Residents,

It has come to our attention, that several of our residents were alarmed by the Police Department’s training exercise this past weekend at TIES.

The training in question, was mandatory annual Department wide training routinely done just prior to the start of the new school year. Unfortunately, an unexpected cancellation outside of our control delayed the training by two weeks and into the start of the new school year. This training is critically important to making sure all our personnel are prepared to respond to the most dire and challenging public safety circumstances.

It should be noted that a campaign to notify the community of this training was done in advance of these exercises through the Village’s Communication Office, via their various communication mediums. It is also important to note that the internal and external notifications made this year were substantially more than what has typically been done in the past.

Unfortunately, not everyone received said information and several residents from our community were negatively affected by the training activities. We are in the process of addressing this matter and certainly plan to develop an even more comprehensive notification/communication plan next year, which should eliminate these concerns from recurring.

On behalf of the entire NBVPD, I want to convey my apologies for any alarm that this high-profile mass casualty training may have caused to anyone in our community. Thank you,

Chief Carlos Noriega

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