Mayor Latham to Moderate High-Profile Sports Business Panel at FIU

North Bay Village Mayor Brent Latham has been selected to moderate a prestigious panel at the upcoming SPORTBIZ Miami conference. The panel, titled “The Evolution of Fan Experience: Transforming Business Strategy through Data, Innovation, and Fan-Centricity,” will feature top executives from major sports organizations in South Florida.
Scheduled for July 12 at 11 a.m. at Florida International University, the 45-minute discussion will explore how sports franchises are leveraging data and innovation to enhance the fan experience and drive business growth. Mayor Latham will guide the conversation with panelists including Chema Sánchez from the Miami Marlins, Carlos Chávez of Concacaf, Mariano Filippini of the Miami Sharks, and Jordan Wetherbe from the Miami Dolphins.
Mayor Latham’s selection as moderator reflects his extensive experience in the sports industry and his leadership role in North Bay Village. This engagement provides an excellent opportunity to showcase our community’s involvement in the region’s thriving sports business sector.
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