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Flood Awareness

North Bay Village is a beautiful coastal community, made up of three low-lying islands. Due to our geographical vulnerability, we are committed to flood protection and want you to be aware of flood risk from heavy rainfall, annual king tides, and increasingly stronger storms.

It is our goal that all of North Bay Village is in the best position possible before, during, and after potential flooding.

These are some of the things you can do to protect against flooding:

  1. Know your flood hazard.

    • According to FEMA, North Bay Village is in an area with moderate to high flooding risk. Know which zone you are in by going on

  2. Purchase a flood insurance policy and maintain coverage on your structure. To find a policy, visit

    • Note, there is a 30-day waiting period before a policy takes effect.

  1. Check with the Village Building Department on the extent of past flooding in your area. Department staff can tell you about the causes of flooding, what the Village is doing about it, and what would be an appropriate flood protection level.

  2. Prepare for flooding by doing the following:

    • Know how to shut off the electricity when a flooding event comes

    • Make a list of emergency numbers and identify a safe place to go

    • Put insurance policies, valuable papers, medicine, etc., in a safe place

  1. Consider some permanent flood protection measures.

    • Check your building for water entry points, such as dryer vents.

  1. Build responsibly.

    • Contact the Village Building Department at 305-754-6740 for advice before you construct. Any development without a permit is illegal, and such activity could be reported to the Village Building Department.

  1. Follow evacuation orders from emergency personnel.

    • Prepare a family evacuation plan and designate a place where your family can meet after an evacuation order is issued. Make an emergency supply kit for your home.

    • Review the Hurricane Preparedness Guide on the Village website to know the procedures and other valuable advice for before, during, and after a major flooding event.

    • Sign up for the Village’s emergency alert system! Visit

For more information, visit

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